Senior Product Designer

Garrett Albury is a designer, editor, and organizer based in New York City.

Currently building financial wellbeing experiences as a Principal Product Designer at Capital One.

He is the co-editor of, a weekly design-forward newsletter.

Garrett also co-founded Where are the Black Designers, a design activism non-profit.


Open to Work!

Automatic Savings

Capital One

Saving money can be hard. What if your bank helped you to super charge your savings?


Nearly 40% of Americans cannot afford an unplanned $400 expense.


By creating a robust, flexible set of tools to save automatically, more people will be able to save for unexpected life events.


Customers can pick and choose any combination of the savings rules to create a flexible tool just for them. I developed 5 ways to save automatically. Each rule has different advantages mapped to a specific savings mindset. 

01. Recurring Transfers

Scheduled money transferred to savings regularly.
02. Paycheck Percentage

Move part of each pay check directly to savings.
03. Autopilot

Completely automated daily transfers.

04 Roundups

Save a small amount with each debit card purchase.
05 Leftovers

Save any money leftover at the end of each month.

Along the way, customers can track their progress on the homepage of the Capital One app using the Automatic Savings widget. As users progress in their savings journey, Savings Goals enable them to apply their Automatic Savings rules towards a specific action item or monetary target.


– © Garrett Albury